Investment Construction Company «NKS». Logo. Èíâåñòèöèîííàÿ Ñòðîèòåëüíàÿ Êîìïàíèÿ ÍÊÑ
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Bolshoi pr. P.S., 14-5

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Construction Manager
Construction Manager Construction Manager is responsible for organization and supervision of the investment construction project at all stages, from a site search and ending to commissioning of the object. Carrying out coordination, supervision, agreement and approval by the state authorities of construction and assembly works execution, the Construction Manager, in such a way, relieves the Investor from the need of dealing with public authorities, contractors and suppliers, and provide the Investor only with a perfect result.

The Service Includes:

  • Obtaining of Saint-Petersburg Government resolution for design and construction;
  • Obtaining of Saint-Petersburg Government resolution for design and construction;
  • Providing services as regards to gathering of initial permit documentation;
  • Organization of topographic and geodetic, geological and hydrological engineering survey works;
  • Preparation of initial data and design task;
  • Obtaining of technical conditions for connecting up of networks and communications;
  • Technical support of the project;
  • Preparation of design and budget documentation;
  • Preparation of the sites for construction;
  • Organization and carrying out of construction audit;
  • Development of the engineering task and estimation of economic costs as regards to the project realization «on a turn-key basis»;
  • Organization and conduct of tender selections;
  • Conclusion and supervision contracts with contractors;
  • Organization and conduct of technical supervision over construction;
  • Organization of construction and assembly works;
  • Obtaining of the necessary approvals at the stage of design and construction works;

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